MIT/Real Talk for Change

Our latest animated video supports Real Talk for Change - a campaign aiming to amplify the voices of under served communities in Boston during the upcoming 2021 election. RTFC facilitates community conversations and publicly aggregates the concerns & experiences in a central dashboard.

Real Talk for Change is a collaboration between MIT’s Center for Constructive Communication (CCC), Dunk the Vote, Local Voices Network, South End Technology Center, and Family Nurturing Center. Check out the video below and learn more at

Common Sense Media: Emergency Broadband Benefit

We collaborated with Common Sense Media and 50+1 Strategies to get the word out about the Emergency Broadband Benefit. Part of the American Rescue Plan, this government program is helping families who are struggling to afford internet service by offering financial aid. 

Check out our 30-second broadcast PSA above and learn more here.

OCOF Shorts: Energy Justice Now!

The second episode of Our Climate Our Future SHORTS explores the concept of energy justice — the fight to give all people, regardless of age, race, income or ethnicity, the power to make decisions about where their energy comes from. 

Part of our new, monthly animated series from Alliance for Climate Education exploring climate science, climate justice, and climate solutions, and learn more at

Our Climate, Our Future SHORTS - Episode 1

Introducing...Our Climate Our Future SHORTS Our latest collaboration with the Alliance for Climate Education!

Our Climate Our Future SHORTS is a new, monthly animated series from ACE exploring climate science, climate justice, and climate solutions. In this first episode, Racial Justice Is Climate Justice, focuses on how the fight for racial justice and the fight for climate justice overlap in many different ways, from air pollution to hurricane evacuees. Check out the first episode below:

Connecting for Better Health: Health Information Exchange Network

We worked with 50+1 Strategies to create our latest video for Connecting for Better Health. Medical providers should have all the information they need to give you the best care possible—but in California, that doesn’t always happen. This coalition is working to create a statewide health information exchange, so providers have easy access to a patient’s vital medical history when they need it. Check out the video below and learn more at What is Abstinence?

Abstinence is when a person chooses not to do something, including but not limited to having sex. There are lots of reasons why people might choose to be abstinent at different times in their lives, and those personal choices should be respected. Check out our latest collaboration with Writer/Executive Producer, Erica Priggen Wright. Check out where you can find lots of great resources to take the awkward out of sex ed.

Rebecca's Story: Things Are Not Always as They Seem

In this sequel to “Understanding Our History of Patriarchy: What’s Faith Got to Do with It?”, we meet Rebecca as she sets out to discover what the Bible really says about her value as a woman in the church.

This Christian-inspired video was produced in partnership between Development Associates International and The Girl Child & Her Long Walk to Freedom, a project of the Imago Dei Fund. It was designed to be part of DAI’s course “Women and Men Leading Together”. Check out the full video below. Challenging Male Gender Stereotypes

New from “For boys, strict gender role stereotypes tell them that they should not share any emotions that might make them appear “soft” or “weak. There is nothing wrong with masculinity or manhood. However, strict ideas about how to be a boy or a man can put pressure on boys to be someone other than who they are.”

Check out our latest collaboration with Writer/Executive Producer Erica Priggen Wright and special guest, Olympic medalist Jason Rogers, an advocate for the evolving state of masculinity.

UNIDIR: Weapons and Ammunition Management

Our latest collaboration with the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research focuses on weapons and ammunition management (WAM). In times of conflict, States that are not able to properly manage stockpiles and ammunition are in danger of relapsing into conflict. Watch our animated video below to see how UNIDIR is helping States assess their WAM baselines and create roadmaps for better management.