Understanding Our History of Patriarchy: What's Faith Got to do with it?

Have you ever wondered why girls aren’t valued equally in our world?

We’re proud to have collaborated with Do Good Better and The Girl Child & Her Long Walk to Freedom to produce this 5-minute animated explainer video on the history of patriarchy and how it holds us all back from realizing our full potential. Watch the video below and learn more about how TGC is bringing awareness to the intersection of faith and gender inequality at girlchildlongwalk.org

Yes on 16: Ladders

This November, Prop 16 would reinstate affirmative action in California to prevent discrimination and ensure equal opportunities for all. We collaborated with 50+1 Strategies to create this animated ad for Yes on 16 to inform and inspire voters to take action. Check it out below and get involved at voteyesonprop16.org

CHCF: Community Health Centers

In California, outdated payment rules are hindering community heath centers’ ability to care for patients during the COVID-19 crisis. Our latest collaboration with California Health Care Foundation shows how patients could benefit under a modern, patient-centered payment system, during the pandemic and beyond. Check out the video below and learn more here.

UNIDIR: Map the Bullet

In our latest collaboration with the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), we spotlight their work to reduce armed violence by mapping illicit ammunition flows. Check out the animated video below and learn more at unidir.org/programmes/conventional-arms

Fair Fight Action: Vote by Mail

We worked with A|L Media and Fair Fight Action to produce this animated spot encouraging Georgians to vote by mail this election to make it safer for those who have no choice but to vote in person. Check it out below and go to GAVBM.com to learn more!

'The Story of Plastic' Discovery Channel debut!

‘The Story of Plastic’, the new feature-length documentary from The Story of Stuff Project and director Deia Schlosberg debuts TODAY on Discovery Channel and DiscoveryGo, in honor of Earth Day!! Our studio is so proud to have contributed 8-minutes of animation to this important film. Big congrats to everyone who worked so hard to bring this film to life. Check some animated clips from the movie below!

COVID-19: Stay Home, Save Lives

During this worldwide pandemic, it’s crucial for everyone to practice social distancing to avoid the spread of COVID-19. We worked with California Governor Gavin Newsom and his team to help Californians stay informed regarding details of the statewide Shelter-in-Place order. Learn more at COVID19.CA.GOV

UPDATED: Also, now available in Spanish from the California Surgeon Genera, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris.

California Governor Gavin Newsom: 2019 Year in Review

We wrapped up 2019 with a look back at the progress Team Newsom has made in California this year, despite the Trump administration’s efforts to derail them. Check out our latest “Mario Kart-inspired” animated video below. Looking forward to more great collaborations in 2020!


We worked with Sunrun, the #1 residential solar company in the U.S. to develop our latest animated video. In the face of increasingly devastating wildfires and blackouts in California, solar panels and distributed energy are the key to creating a smarter and more resilient power grid. Watch below and learn more at Sunrun.com


EdReports is a nonprofit that reviews K-12 instructional materials to help educators find the best fit for their school districts. We’re thrilled to have partnered with them on a series of animated videos that tell the stories of the educators who use EdReports. Check out the videos below, and learn more at EdReports.org

Democratic Association for Secretaries of State

New video for Democratic Association of Secretaries of State and SCRB Strategies. Get involved and help make a difference in the 2020 elections at DemosOfState.org!

Amaze.org: Teen Angst

Our latest collaboration with writer/producer Erica Priggen Wright and Amaze.org is about the topic of “Teen Angst”. Amaze.org produces animated videos that give young adults tools to have discussions on sex education. Check it out below!

Newsom for California: State Budget

Our latest for California governor, Gavin Newsom, looks at how California’s 2019-20 Budget takes a stand against the Trump administration, and positions California to lead the way on the big issues of today.

The Story of Water: Who Controls the Way We Drink?

The latest from RDC and The Story of Stuff Project takes on the issue of water privatization. As federal funding to support public water infrastructure drops, many cities find themselves turning to corporations that make big promises they don’t intend to keep. Check out the video below to learn about all the innovative steps being taken across the country to make sure that water stays a public resource and find out how to get involved here!

How Aladdin Should Have Ended

The latest from the RDC crew and HISHE is up on YouTube now, just in time for the live-action Aladdin remake. Check it out below and prepare to marvel at the incredible Genie voice work from Jamie Costa!

California Governor Gavin Newsom: Roe v. Wade is on the Line

We’ve refreshed the animated style for our long-time client, and newly elected Governor of California, Gavin Newsom. Watch the latest below, and get involved in this important issue.